Clean Code and the Clean Coder: Mastering the Art of Professionalism and Writing Exceptional Code.

Clean Code and the Clean Coder: Mastering the Art of Professionalism and Writing Exceptional Code.
  • Estimated reading time: 9 min
  • 17 November, 2024

Anyone who embarks on a path in the IT field starts by writing their first program and searching for their first job. Initially, it is an exciting phase, full of new discoveries and challenges. Over time, we get used to writing code, solving problems, and begin to see ourselves as specialists in our field. The first large-scale project becomes a confirmation of our skills. We design its architecture, try to account for every detail, and often feel satisfied with the results of our work. However, over time, it becomes clear that the architecture we created has flaws, which become evident during the maintenance, expansion, or adaptation of the project.

With each new task, the time to complete it increases, costs grow, and new modules become harder to integrate into the already existing system. This leads to the involvement of new developers who, trying to meet deadlines, encounter bugs that arise during the work process. And this is where the hardest part begins: the realization that what we thought was professionalism doesn’t always align with the real results of our work.

We begin to doubt our skills, analyze our own mistakes, and ask ourselves important questions: “Am I really a professional?” and “What does it truly mean to be a professional?”

Being a professional is not just about having a high level of technical knowledge and skills, but also understanding the consequences of your decisions, considering long-term perspectives, and being able to adapt to new conditions. At the same time, behaving like a professional means demonstrating responsibility, the ability to acknowledge our mistakes, striving for improvement, and constant learning.

Success in the IT field depends not only on technical mastery but also on the ability to think strategically, be flexible, and ready to collaborate. Only the combination of these qualities allows a developer not just to cope with challenges, but also to find sources for growth and self-realization within them.

One of the most common barriers that prevents many programmers from growing as professionals should also be mentioned. Sometimes, as specialists, we become overly confident in our correctness, which can manifest as a certain egoism. We don’t like to admit our mistakes, let alone ask others for help. Occasionally, we even ignore the advice of colleagues who might offer a new, more effective approach to solving a particular problem.

This feeling is familiar to many, including me. I too went through that phase when I thought I could figure things out on my own, and that the help or advice from others wouldn’t be useful. But over time, I realized that development begins precisely where there are difficult tasks that go beyond your knowledge and capabilities. In such moments, the most important thing becomes collaborating with others — people who have more experience and deeper knowledge.

Working in a team where you are surrounded by specialists who surpass you in level is not a sign of weakness, but an opportunity to learn something new. The ability to accept criticism, consider others’ opinions, and discuss complex issues is the foundation of professional growth. It is in such environments that programmers begin to realize that development is not only about technical skills but also about the ability to collaborate, share knowledge, and learn from colleagues. 

When I first picked up the book “Clean Coder”, I couldn’t help but smile. It seemed like such an accurate chronicle of the mistakes and mishaps of my own professional journey that reading it was both satisfying and eye-opening. If I had read it earlier, I might have saved myself a few years and spared a few projects from failure. But each person walks their own path in IT, and sometimes the lessons learned through mistakes turn out to be the most valuable.

In the book, the authors emphasize the importance of responsibility, stressing that being a professional means fully owning your actions, words, and work outcomes. If your carelessness or mistake causes losses — for example, a bug that reaches production — you must be ready to take responsibility for it. This is not just about financial compensation, but about honestly acknowledging your fault and actively participating in fixing the situation.

Responsibility also means clarity in your promises and actions. Professionals don’t leave room for ambiguous statements like “I’ll try” or “I might do it.” There are only two options: “yes” or “no.” If you say “yes,” you are fully committing to completing the task. The phrase “I’ll try” creates a misleading impression: to you, it sounds like a cautious refusal, while to the manager, it appears as a confirmation that the task will be done. This leads to misunderstandings, where the task might be rushed or even left incomplete.

If you’re not sure about your capabilities or the feasibility of a deadline, the best solution is to discuss it right away with the manager, team lead, or anyone responsible. A professional should insist on realistic timelines that will allow the work to be done properly. This approach not only minimizes risks but also demonstrates maturity and the ability to objectively assess one’s own abilities.

I’ve found myself in similar situations many times, where, working on a project, I would get immersed in endless hours of coding, sometimes 10 hours a day. It seemed like a path to efficiency, but in reality, it was quite the opposite. This approach only deepened the problems: the code I wrote in this mode became so chaotic and unrefined that it had to be rewritten from scratch. This led to burnout and frustration — I began to hate not only the project but myself as well. The deadlines were pressing, and I had to work even faster, which only worsened the situation.

At some point, I began to realize: the architecture I designed at the start turned out to be ineffective, complex to maintain, and hard to scale. Under such conditions, I wrote more code, just trying to make the project work, despite numerous issues. But today I understand: many of these difficulties could have been avoided if I had followed a few simple rules.

  1. Planning is the Foundation of Everything Always allocate time to think through the project’s architecture. Don’t create it “on the go” during development. You need to set aside time — a day, two, or even a few weeks. During this period, you’ll be able to design the app’s logic, the relationships between its components, and the processes it will perform. This approach will save a lot of time in the future, make the project easier to maintain, and prevent chaos.
  2. Simplicity is the Best Solution A true professional solves complex problems in simple ways. Don’t be afraid to write classes, functions, or break the code into smaller logical blocks. Even a function of just three lines can be crucial if it helps to better structure and understand the code. In most cases, you’ll be the one maintaining that code. As the classics say, write your code as if it’s going to be read by an angry programmer with an axe who knows your address.
  3. Clarity of Names and Structures Use simple, intuitive names for functions and variables. Avoid “magic” numbers and cryptic constructions that will need explanations even days after writing them.
  4. Tests are Your Safety Always cover your program with tests. Unit tests, integration tests, or other types of tests should cover over 90% of the code. This ensures confidence that any changes in the program won’t lead to catastrophic errors.

To conclude, the book “Clean Coder” is truly worth your attention. I don’t want to summarize its contents in this article, but I can say one thing: it is worth your time and money. Its advice will help you avoid many mistakes and will be an essential step toward professionalism.

The book “Clean Code” speaks for itself through its title — it teaches us to write clear, functional, and maintainable code. Clean code is not code that’s written as concisely as possible, such as in one line. On the contrary, it’s code that is easy to read and understand, even if that means breaking a single condition into two or three lines. After all, clarity and readability should always be a priority.

This book is interesting but also quite challenging to master. It contains numerous practical examples, mostly in Java and C#, with one example in HTML. However, its value goes far beyond specific programming languages. The core ideas are applicable in any project, regardless of the technology.

One of the key rules emphasized in the book concerns teamwork: all developers must follow a consistent coding style. When you open a project’s code, it should not feel like it was written by several different people. This shows even in small details like tabulation style, the use of single or double quotation marks, as well as naming conventions for variables and functions. Harmony in style is the foundation that allows the team to work effectively.

One of the most useful sections of “Clean Code” is Chapter 17, which discusses “code smells.” These “smells” point to problems in the code that, if ignored, can make it harder to maintain, understand, and further develop.

Here are some of the most common “code smells” to avoid:

  • Unimplemented obvious behavior. Each function or method should perform the expected tasks. Deviating from this leads to unexpected errors. 
  • Incorrect handling of function boundaries. Ignoring edge values can be a source of serious errors, which could have been prevented with proper test design techniques. 
  • Disabling safety checks. If the compiler or linter signals an issue, don’t ignore it — these warnings are meant to prevent bugs. 
  • Code duplication. Repeated code complicates maintenance and increases the risk of errors. Use functions or methods to avoid repetition.
  • Incorrect level of abstraction. Code should be written where it logically belongs, not where it’s “convenient” to place it. 
  • Base classes depending on derived classes. This violates fundamental principles of object-oriented programming.
  • Dead code. Inactive or unused code takes up space and creates confusion. Remove it without hesitation. 
  • Vertical distribution. Variables and functions should be placed as close as possible to where they are used. 
  • Inconsistency. If a specific style is chosen for a project, follow it. For example, use one type of quotes (single or double) and a single tabulation format. 
  • Code ballast. Unused variables, methods with no calls, or meaningless comments just add to the chaos. 
  • Artificial coupling. Don’t link things that don’t depend on each other. 
  • Argument selectors. If a function depends on a boolean argument, it’s better to split it into two functions. 
  • Improper placement of code. Think ahead about where to place new code to maintain logical flow. 
  • Misunderstanding algorithms. Incorrect understanding of algorithms often leads to writing “odd” code. 
  • Overuse of if/else or switch constructs. In many cases, polymorphism is a better option. 
  • Lack of understanding of coding conventions. Familiarize yourself with the rules and standards accepted within the team or project. 
  • “Magic numbers.” Using “magic numbers” in code makes it unclear and hard to modify in the future. 
  • Encapsulating conditional constructs. For example, if(shouldBeDeleted(timer)) is clearer than if(time.expired() && !timer.recurrent()). 
  • Avoiding negative conditions. Expressions like if(buffer.shouldCompact()) are easier to read than if(!buffer.shouldNotCompact()). 
  • Functions should perform only one operation. This simplifies understanding, testing, and reuse. 
  • Transitive calls. Violating the Law of Demeter makes code maintenance harder.

By following these rules, you can significantly improve the quality and clarity of your code, as well as make the development process more efficient.

Testing is the foundation of reliable code, and neglecting it can lead to serious issues in the future. Here are some key rules and tips to improve your testing approach:

  • No tests — always bad. Code without tests is a risk. It may work today, but without tests, there is no guarantee that changes tomorrow won’t break everything. 
  • Use coverage analysis tools. Code coverage tools help identify areas that remain untested. Strive for at least 90% coverage to ensure the program’s stability. 
  • Don’t ignore trivial tests. Even simple checks help avoid unexpected errors. It’s better to detect them during testing than in production. 
  • If you disable a test, ask yourself why. Before disabling or deleting a test, consider whether it points to a misunderstanding of the requirements or a change in business logic. 
  • Found a bug? Write a test. Every bug discovered is an opportunity to improve your code. Write a test to ensure that the bug no longer occurs. 
  • Test speed matters. Slow tests are not only frustrating but are often ignored. Strive to write tests that run quickly, so they can easily integrate into your workflow.

Testing is your ally in creating quality code. It’s not just about finding bugs; it’s about being confident that your product works reliably and predictably.

Thank you for reading this article to the end! You’ve taken another step towards professional growth. Remember, every small detail you improve in your work brings you closer to becoming a true master of your craft. Good luck! 😊